Setting up a custom domain

Written By Khaled

Last updated 5 months ago

Follow this guide to connect and set up your own domain such as "" or "".

You need these mandatory steps:

  1. Add the required records on your DNS provider (where you purchased or manage your domain).

  2. Add your custom domain to your site settings in Plark.

1. Domain provider

You can set up your domain with the www prefix ( or with a subdomain (

  1. Login in to your DNS providers, ex: Godaddy

  2. Select the domain name you want to connect

  3. Manage DNS Records Add a DNS record with the following details

    1. Type: Select CNAME

    2. Name: ‘www’ (or any other subdomain)

    3. Value:

    4. TTL: 1 hour (or 3600 seconds)


2. Plark Settings

Note: Connecting custom domain are only available for Users with Paid Plans

  1. To add you custom domain, Go the website editor, and Click on Settings then Site Settings. You can change both your free subdomain or add a Custom domain.

  1. Click on + sign and enter you custom domain